Vista installation problem on my new laptop

Ok so i recently bought a new laptop and wanted to reinstall Windows Vista. The problem I had was that the step “Completing installation” took for ever. I left it on all night but nothing. So I was thinking “How long does this copleting installation take ?”.. Had to be something wrong. Now some claim it’s a hardware specific problem, which is true in a way, some say it has something to do with the partitioning..

Couldn’t be a hardware related problem because I bout a state-of-the-art high end machine. And i don’t really believe a simple repartioning can be a problem.

I did some research and I found the problem. It was sort of a hardware error. I have a sata harddrive and there was something wrong in the setup of this. The problem was a setting in the BIOS. The default sata operation setting was AHCI and it had to be ATA. Once I changed this the complete reinstallation took about 15-20mins which is the normal time that it should take.

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