Using typeConverter


In this example I’ll show you how you can use the typeConverter class to convert one type to another. For example you can use the typeConverter to convert a string to a color. You can use it for about any type.

I first go through the Color enumeration and afterwards I change the color of a label when a certain color is selected. Here is the code.

string[] colorArray; if (!this.IsPostBack) { //get the names from the Color enumeration colorArray = Enum.GetNames(typeof(KnownColor)); //Bind the array to the list lstColors.DataSource = colorArray; lstColors.DataBind(); } //Convert the string to the color //Here we need to first set the correct converter and then convert it. this.lblTest.BackColor = (Color)TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Color)).ConvertFromString(lstColors.SelectedItem.Text);

Oh yea, don’t forget to add this namespace:

using System.ComponentModel;

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