New in Visual Studio 2010: Multi screen development

As you will already probably have noticed, the whole UI of the IDE changed. Out with the old windows look and feel and in with the new and fancy WPF powered UI. For me they didn’t have to do it. I was kind of used to the previous look. One cool thing however is the floating windows that they have introduced together with the new UI. You can do whatever you want now when it comes to code files,designer view, panels, tools… You can let a code file, a panel,etc float all over your screen. Imagine you have 2,3 maybe even 4 monitors. Filled with all your favourite panels and code files. Aaaah the development that we could do, right?

Well, with VS2010 this becomes reality. Just right click on a code file or panel and select float. You can now do with it whatever you want. Isn’t that cool?



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