New in Visual Studio 2010: Call hierarchy

Call Hierarchy is something which I think will be a very handy new feature in VS2010. First of all you can see which parts of your code are making a call to a specified method and then you can see which calls are made from this method..and so on. To specify your method just right click on the method name and select View Call Hierarchy. Shortcut for Call hierarchy is CTRL + ALT + K.


This will show you what calls are made to the method and also which calls are made from that method. This is very if you need to know where a certain method is used. You also have Find All References. I know that but that’s not comparable with Call Hierarchy. The level of detail with Call Hierarchy is much bigger. As you can see in the screenshot below, you can drill down, see the complete calling structure. You get the idea…


If you have an interface and want to know which concrete classes are using your interface, then you can also use Call hierarchy:


View this post to see all the new features of VS2010 which I have discussed

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