Easy multi-tier by Volta

Microsoft has just released it’s new Volta technology. With this you should be able to create a simple application in .net and port it to the web. The server/client splitting and everything will be done by Volta. For the moment I don’t know that much of this technology, this is what I caught up from the official text on the site. I have to try it out when I get the time.

Official info from Volta site:

The Volta technology preview is a developer toolset that enables you to build multi-tier web applications by applying familiar techniques and patterns. First, design and build your application as a .NET client application, then assign the portions of the application to run on the server and the client tiers late in the development process. The compiler creates cross-browser JavaScript for the client tier, web services for the server tier, and communication, serialization, synchronization, security, and other boilerplate code to tie the tiers together.

Developers can target either web browsers or the CLR as clients and Volta handles the complexities of tier-splitting for you. Volta comprises tools such as end-to-end profiling to make architectural refactoring and optimization simple and quick. In effect, Volta offers a best-effort experience in multiple environments without any changes to the application.

Official Link:Volta

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