Display special symbols and HTML code in your ASP.NET page


If you try to add the following examples to your site you will not get the expected result:

Enter your PIN <here>

You need to use <a> tag to create a hyperlink.

They don’t give the expected result because ASP.NET tries to convert this to something it knows. It sees it a tag and thinks it needs to convert that. This is basically an encoding problem.  You need to convert the <,> symbols to something that HTML can encode as a regular  < or > and not a full tag. This is done using the Server.HtmlEncode() function.

You can solve the problem this way:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblResult.Text = Server.HtmlEncode("Enter your PIN <here>"); lblResult.Text += "<br />" + Server.HtmlEncode("You need to use the <a> tag to create a hyperlink."); }

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