Get your free copy of Windows 7 at PDC

Maybe you heard it already but the people that are going to PDC2008 (Professional Developer Conference) will receive a 160GB HDD with a lot of new bits&bytes on from Microsoft. One of the many things is a preview version of Windows 7. I can’t go to this event but I think this is a really great thing Microsoft is doing. I guess a lot of people will be very very happy with this. Here is a funny marketing video I found.

PDC 2008 is coming… and I can’t wait!

A lot of free Silverlight 2.0 controls

I came across a blogpost with a lot of cool controls, some of which I have showed on my blog as well. Anyway if you are looking for a free Silverlight 2.0 navigation control, combobox, navigation, media player control or something to create graphs with in Silverlight 2.0 than check out this link: A lot of free Silverlight 2.0 controls.

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