Visual Studio 2010 RC crashing?

If you have been working with Visual Studio 2010 and are experiencing some crashes, read on.

I have to be honest, I haven’t experienced any big issues with Visual Studio 2010. But I did read some posts of people that did have. It’s probably because I’m not working all the time in Visual Studio 2010. I still switch between VS2010 and VS2008.

So the issues that I have read about:

Quoted from Nicholas Allen’s blog

The first fix resolves a crash that can sometimes occur when hovering over an identifier to bring up a tooltip information display. This is a different issue than the crash when bringing up an Intellisense display with an active screen reader that was fixed a few weeks ago.

The second fix addresses an issue with the code files generated by the web forms designer not including certain kinds of web controls in the generated code.

Intellisense also caused some problems in the RC release. You can read more about this on Scott Guthrie’s blog and also on

The good thing about this all is that there are patches out for these bugs. So if you have them, just go to the downloads section of Microsoft Connect. Search for your bug and download the patch.

If you experience any issues while working with Visual Studio 2010, make sure to report it on Microsoft Connect. This will help out the team a lot!

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