Visual Studio 2010 presentation posted to SlideShare

Earlier this month I did a presentation on Visual Studio 2010 for the company I work for. I kinda forgot to upload the slides right after. Busy period.

So here are the slides. If you have any question let me know.

This presentation covers the following topics:

- Visual Studio 2010 IDE enhancements/changes

- Architecture possibilities

- New debugging experience (IntelliTrace, Breakpoints enhancements, datatips)

- What’s new for Testers?

PS: If you want to have some more detailed information on testing in Visual Studio 2010 and TFS 2010, check out Slide Deck from Whats New for Testing in Visual Studio 2010 and TFS 2010. Webcast of this presentation can be found here: Whats New for Testing in Visual Studio 2010 Webcast

- Extending Visual studio

- Other new features

Looking for Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010?

Well Crystal Reports isn’t included in VS2010 by default any more. From now on you need to download Crystal Reports from The good thing however is that you will be able to download this free, without any registration required. That’s good news, right?

So if you want some more information on this new release for VS2010, check out Crystal Reports in Visual Studio 2010 on Or if you don’t want to get started, you can download Crystal Reports for VS2010 here

Visual Studio 2010 has been released!!

It’s out there!!

from Soma’s site

The new release of Visual Studio 2010 has plenty of compelling new features and updates that will make every developer more productive.

· Visual Studio 2010 allows users target of the right platform for their application, including Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2008, SharePoint. Office, Windows Azure, and Windows Phone 7 applications using their existing skills.

· Visual Studio 2010 is a rich, personalized development environment. We know that software developers spend much of their time in the IDE, and features like the new editor and multi-monitor support make your time in Visual Studio more productive and enjoyable.

· Teams are able to work more efficiently using Application Lifecycle Management tools. We’ve done a great deal of work in Visual Studio 2010 to improve testing and debugging tools. Features like IntelliTrace and easy project management help your team ensure high quality.

It’s really cool that you could follow the keynote live and even ask questions via Twitter.


What are the different versions of Visual Studio 2010

And what can you do with these different version of Visual Studio 2010? Maybe you are wondering which version of Visual Studio 2010 you require for your specific job?

That’s are some questions I had. Previously I worked with VS2008 PRO and TS, but now I need to see which version I need. Today I found a great post that explained exactly what versions there are and what I can do with these versions.

Also interested? check out:  VS 2010 – What’s in for everyone in Software Teams?

Entity Framework 4.0 – Part1: How to create a model from a database

These tutorials are built using Visual Studio 2010 RC and .NET 4.0. RC. This means that Entity Framework 4.0 is used. At the moment of writing this, VS2010 and .NET 4.0 are not yet released as RTM so information provided in this post could change in the future.

In this series of blog posts I’ll explain to you how to work with Microsoft’s ORM, Entity Framework. Version 4.0 is used during the tutorials. I didn’t really blog that much before on Entity Framework because I thought the concept and usage was not ready. Now with the new release EF, I feel much more comfortable evangelizing it. Following, I’ll explain to you how you can create an entity framework model based on an already existing database.

Let’s start by creating a new console application and add a new file to the project. When the “Add new item window” comes up, select ADO.NET Entity Data Model.


Now the wizard will start. This wizard will help you to build up your entity model. Here you have two options:

  1. Generate from database: Here the model will be generated based on an existing database with tables.
  2. Empty model: Before Entity Framework 4.0 this didn’t really do much. But now this has changed a lot! From here you can create your own model (using the designer) and even generate a database script (to create the database and tables). How you can start from an empty Entity Framework model will be discussed in an upcoming post.


So we chose to generate the model from the database. This means we have select our database and tables. The wizard now asks us to select the database.

I’m going to create a “New Connection…” because I haven’t used this database before.


This dialog window isn’t new. If you have worked before with databases in Visual Studio, you should already be familiar with this window. It just asks you to select a server name and a database on that server.


Once the database has been selected, the wizard will generate the Entity connection string. This is something like a regular database connection string. The only difference is that it contains more information on the Entity Framework model. Make sure that you check “Save entity connection string in App.Config”. This will save the connection string to an App.Config file.


Next we need to select the tables where we want to generate entities for. In my demo I’m only going to work with the Article table. Notice that you can also add database views or stored procedures to your entity model.
Make sure that you check the two checkboxes on this window.

Pluralisation is something new in EF4.0. If you check this box, EF4.0 will pluralize the name of you entity sets based on the Entity name. This will make querying a lot more readable in your code. Before when you had an entity that called Article, you entity set would also be called Article. Now when your entity is called Article, the entity set will be called Articles. The pluralisation mechanism in Visual Studio is actually quite smart! It doesn’t just add an ‘’s’ at the end of the entity name. For instance: Category will pluralize to Categories and Ox will even be pluralized to Oxen. How neat is that? For now the pluralisation only works correctly for the English language. No problem though, you can easily create you own pluralisation service where you can add your own words. Dan Rigsby has a nice blog post on this: Entity Framework 4.0: Pluralization


Once the model is completely generated, you will see that Visual Studio has created an .edmx file (the entity model) together with its generated code behind class and an App.Config (where we stored the entity connection string).


If you click on the .edmx file, you will see a diagram of the model.


The WPF text editor in Visual Studio 2010 allows us to zoom the model in and out via the scroll wheel on the mouse. If you have a lot of entities in your model, you can easily get a good overview of the diagram. Under the scrollbar you have some different options to alter the view of the diagram.

From top to bottom

  • Zoom in on the diagram
  • Zoom the diagram to 100%
  • Zoom out on the diagram
  • Launch the thumbnail viewer: This allows you to better navigate over the complete diagram


If you select an entity and click on the mapping details you will see how the table fields are mapped to the properties of the entity. If you want you can change details in the properties window. Information that was set on the table fields is also set on the entity properties. For example if you create a field in the table with a max length of 100 (varchar(100)) this will also be set in the entity property. This is not something that you will find back in the generated code behind class of the model. It’s actually stored in the conceptual model.



Now let’s write some code to retrieve data from the database. As you can see, you only need to create a new instance of you entity model. Then you can retrieve your records by calling the entity set of you entity. See how easy this is?

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var dbentities = new DemoDBEntities())
                foreach (var article in dbentities.Articles)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Name: {0}",article.Name));
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Description: {0}",article.Description));
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Price: {0}",article.Price));
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Stock: {0}",article.Stock));


Hope this was informative!

If you have any questions or remarks, please let me know..

kick it on

Visual Studio 2010 RC crashing?

If you have been working with Visual Studio 2010 and are experiencing some crashes, read on.

I have to be honest, I haven’t experienced any big issues with Visual Studio 2010. But I did read some posts of people that did have. It’s probably because I’m not working all the time in Visual Studio 2010. I still switch between VS2010 and VS2008.

So the issues that I have read about:

Quoted from Nicholas Allen’s blog

The first fix resolves a crash that can sometimes occur when hovering over an identifier to bring up a tooltip information display. This is a different issue than the crash when bringing up an Intellisense display with an active screen reader that was fixed a few weeks ago.

The second fix addresses an issue with the code files generated by the web forms designer not including certain kinds of web controls in the generated code.

Intellisense also caused some problems in the RC release. You can read more about this on Scott Guthrie’s blog and also on

The good thing about this all is that there are patches out for these bugs. So if you have them, just go to the downloads section of Microsoft Connect. Search for your bug and download the patch.

If you experience any issues while working with Visual Studio 2010, make sure to report it on Microsoft Connect. This will help out the team a lot!

Special Visual Studio 2010 Testing presentation

I just came across a nice Visual Studio 2010 presentation, focused on testing. The special thing about this presentation is that this presentation was build using Deep Zoom technology. Every point on the presentation also contains a short video.

More information can be found on Jihad Dannawi’s blog

And of course a link to the Visual Studio 2010 Testing presentation in Deep Zoom

New in Visual Studio 2010: Multi screen development

As you will already probably have noticed, the whole UI of the IDE changed. Out with the old windows look and feel and in with the new and fancy WPF powered UI. For me they didn’t have to do it. I was kind of used to the previous look. One cool thing however is the floating windows that they have introduced together with the new UI. You can do whatever you want now when it comes to code files,designer view, panels, tools… You can let a code file, a panel,etc float all over your screen. Imagine you have 2,3 maybe even 4 monitors. Filled with all your favourite panels and code files. Aaaah the development that we could do, right?

Well, with VS2010 this becomes reality. Just right click on a code file or panel and select float. You can now do with it whatever you want. Isn’t that cool?



.NET 4.0 training kit – February release

A bit late but some days ago they released the updated Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4.0 training kit. Enjoy this new fine release! Follow the link below to download

Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit – February Release

COM interop improvements with C#4.0

I already did a blog post about this some time ago: Better Office COM interop thanks to named and optional parameters

Here I talked mainly on how named and optional parameters make life easier for Office developers. This focus was more on that. But actually there are a some other points that didn’t get enough attention. Here are some other great improvements specifically for COM interop.

  • No more meaningless ref parameters.
  • Better indexer support, property accessing. No specific get/set needed anymore.
  • No more need for casting, we can use dynamic binding thanks to the Dynamic class.

I have found a screencast by Sam Ng who explains all this in about 10min.

Link to the original post –> How Do I: COM Interop and Office in C# 4.0?
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